Florida’s Most Delectable Dish
Like most places in Florida, the Keys are a hotspot for any seafood lover and no trip to the Florida Keys would be complete without trying Stone Crab Claws when they are in season.
What separates the Stone Crab from other crustacean dishes is that the animals are really only harvested for their massive claws which have both a sweet and savory flavor and can be enjoyed whether hot or cold, with mustard sauce or melted butter. The best time to enjoy this local dish is when they are freshly caught and in season between mid-October to May and luckily Continuing Education Company holds two straight weeks of Primary Care CME conferences in November!
Stone Crab
The Stone Crab can be found in shallow waters all around the Atlantic Ocean but the Keys have a reputation for producing some of the biggest and best-tasting crabs. Stone Crabs differ from other crabs because of their size distribution. Most crabs such as the Dungeness or Blue Crab maintain a pretty equal weight distribution throughout their entire body, but Stone Crabs have most of their mass and subsequently most of their meat in their gigantic claws.
As such when the creatures are harvested they are only really fished for their claws. Another unique fact about this amazing creature is their ability to regrow lost limbs, so when most crabs are brought in from traps or picked up by divers from the seafloor only one of their claws is taken and they return back into the wild. Only one claw is taken at a time so that the creature is still able to defend itself from predators and build their nests.
Key Fisheries Restaurant
There are certainly plenty of casual restaurants and seafood shacks all over the Florida Keys for you to enjoy this amazing dish but if you’re looking for a local and tourist favorite consider going to the Key Fisheries Restaurant. Another unique part of the restaurant is that it is attached to a local market where you can buy your own Stone Crab Claws or other fresh local seafood if you wanted to take some home with you to enjoy.
If you’re looking to make your own Stone Crab Claws at home consider making a popular local recipe such as the Stone Crab Stir Fry. If you’re an adventurous eater or just want to try a popular local dish than be sure to try this amazing local delicacy.
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