Take a Ride Over the Islands of Hawaii
When it comes to planning a trip to Hawaii, there are so many things to do and see it can be hard to know where to begin. From the crystal blue waters to the stunning black lava rock beaches, Hawaii boasts natural beauty unlike anywhere else in the world.
One of the main attractions that sets the islands of Hawaii apart from other islands is its diverse and unique terrain. Hawaii, a state consisting of eight main islands, is home to active volcanoes, breathtaking waterfalls and more.
Helicopter tours
While there are a number of options to get around and in between the islands, there is a way to cover the most ground while getting a stunning bird’s eye view of the best Hawaii has to offer─ helicopter tours. Helicopter tours give you the chance to take in Hawaii from above, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
There are a number of options available when it comes to taking a helicopter ride, and it can be helpful to do some research ahead of time to prepare. In fact, some helicopter tours even cover two islands. A popular helicopter tour is the Big Island Maui tour, taking you over the Big Island of Hawaii as well as the island of Maui right next door.
It is worth the money
While helicopter tours can be pricey, the majority of visitors believe that it is totally worth the money, providing you with views you simply wouldn’t get on the ground. If you can add room in the travel budget, it is well worth the price for what you will be able to experience. The price of the tour depends on how long the tour is, with tours ranging from one to two hours to a whole day exhibition. Trusted helicopter tour companies, such as Blue Hawaiian Helicopters, also offer visitors the option to book private charters that can be customized to your unique requests.
Views of the Haleakala Crater
On a Big Island, Maui tour you will get a fantastic view of the Haleakala Crater, Hana Rainforest and the West Maui Mountains. In order to get the most out of your helicopter tour, look around online beforehand. Find a helicopter tour company that has a FAA Part 135 Air Carrier certification, ensuring that they meet stricter, safer criteria than general aviation credentials. Many companies meet these criteria and have years of experience providing safe flights to thousands of visitors.
Another helpful tip is to schedule your helicopter tour early during your visit in order to acquaint yourself with the layout of the islands. Also, be sure to wear something dark in order to avoid getting a glare from your clothes on the window when you go to take a picture. Be sure to charge up your camera the night before because the photos you will be able to capture will be amazing. Whether you are looking forward to relaxing on the beaches or going hiking through the rainforest, be sure to book and incorporate a helicopter tour into your trip. Helicopter tours offer unbelievable views that you can’t get anywhere else.
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